I’ve been on a lot of Left Wing protests over the years, anti-war ones, anti-austerity, student protests, Palestine, Occupy adjacent ones. Crowds above a million, in the 100ks, even small ones bringing 1000s or 10ks. I have never known mainstream media and politicians to bend even an inch to most […]
Nearing the one year anniversary of my kidney donation I was getting a little bit reflective so, after reading back through my blog posts at the time, I thought I’d throw them all together in a little mini-book. It’s not too long, most of it’s just pulled from this site, […]
Created as part of my Masters degree this little zine is a collection of images, ideas and thoughts around the redevelopment of London. The pictures document eras of destruction and reconstruction of specific sites in South East London. A kind of living legacy for the identities and individuals displaced by […]
It’s been just over two months now since I had surgery. Perhaps a month and a half since I checked out after my second, infection related, hospital stay. In theory I’ve got another month off work, a month away from any commitments at all in fact. In reality though there’s […]
Just adding a list of all the articles I wrote regarding my kidney donation process… Hack & Slash – Living Organ Donation Kidney Business – Living Donation Keeping it Renal – Living Donation Spilling My Guts – Living Donation Spilling My Guts Part II – Living Donation The Countdown Starts […]
It’s been just about a month now since I went in for surgery and, for the most part, all is well. It has however been an exhausting process and one pretty riddled with shitty luck and some disappointments. First things first though, my kidney donation was a success. Last I […]
Well, the day’s getting closer. I’m writing this on Saturday night and surgery will be first thing on Thursday morning. Or at least I have to be at the hospital first thing (7am), when they’ll actually take me into surgery I’m not sure. I’ve been told but, like a lot […]
Well, the balloon has gone up, the bomb has dropped, the cat’s out of the bag and other such nonsense. I have a match and I have a date, my kidney has a new home to go to. After all the waiting these final steps have come around dizzyingly fast. […]
Writing this just after my last post so might be best to check that out first… After my psych interview the next (and last) big step on my adventure in kidney donation was the HTA interview. The HTA is the Human Tissue Authority and, when you’re going in as a […]
Been a while since my last post on the kidney donation process and a fair bit has happened over the last couple of months. All of it, fortunately, good. The first big step after my last post, or at least the first one that comes to mind, is the mental […]