On one of the days of Christmas my true love sent to me a reasonably priced eBook short on Amazon… let’s just pretend that scans.
Space FM is officially available for download as an Amazon exclusive. Cheaper than a poncy cup of coffee, more enjoyable than a family bag of Skittles and with more hard facts than a copy of the Daily Mail it’s everything you want and more. Plus you can read it in a day, so for all of you online types whose attention span has been beaten into bloody submission by a flailing mass of cat pictures, memes and comedic Tweets this is some proper writing you really can make it through.
As ever I need you, you glorious; beautiful, sweet smelling, perfectly coiffured, intelligent and goddamn sexy bastards to help me out by spreading the good word, writing (nice) reviews on all the usual sites. Buying copies for your nearest and dearest and generally being all that you can be. And when you’ve done all of that you can look to your left and sign up to my newsletter too, so you never miss out on the words I so lovingly craft for the sole purpose of pumping them into your eyeballs and filling your brains with joy.
There’s more coming from me next year too with some very different works in progress. Including a potential poetic anthology, a full length novel and even the vague possibility of some multimedia collaborative goodness. So stay tuned you glorious bastards.