… get your lovely art for sale. Today I’ve started on the long and arduous process of adding some of my original artwork for sale on this site. It’s just shy of two years ago now that I started drawing again for the first time since I was a kid. […]
While the writing piles up in a dark corner (one novel, one novella – both good to go sooner or later) I’ve been getting distracted by other, shiny objects. T-shirts especially as I’ve started releasing some of my own, original, hand drawn work on them. You can grab yourself one […]
Few more pictures from my latest, er, style? Obsession? Repetitive hand movements? I dunno… More over on Instagram.
Another quick artist recommendation today – Najimir, a Lebanese artist whose forte is despair. Only a handful of lines and he does a great job of capturing a heavy-weight air of misery. Beautiful, but it’ll get under your skin. Anyway, you can find a load of his work on Instagram […]
I love Guilherme Kramer’s work. He was the first artist to actually stick in my culturally ignorant mind and his pictures inspired my biggest (and still growing) tattoo. Even my own idle attempts at drawing were triggered by a desire to match his stuff, although hopefully I’ve moved on a […]
Given my recent obsession with drawing – sometimes well and sometimes badly – I thought I’d share my latest effort here. A series of three pictures all inspired by the city. Not, I’m sad to say, in a particularly good way but given the way it’s being forced, and paid, […]
Sterility is one of the true markers of our time. As we live, try to understand and to create we repeatedly assume that to cleanse, to add a polished shine is to imbue quality in what we do. In cities we gentrify, bringing order to urban chaos in the form […]
Sometimes art struggles, even very good art. It emerges from the source with pure intent, hopeful that it contains some value, some message or potential to provoke thought that can and will make a difference even as it’s shared as a passive act of promotion. But then it falters, it […]
He’d gotten as far as piling them up and fetching the matches before the will to set them alight sloped away from him, an exhilarating thought drained in an instant of all value. It would be childish, cowardly even to condemn the sheets to the flames, an act of bitterness […]