Another book going out for free today – Crashed America, my first novel. Available in a variety of formats or you can grab the physical copy here. As always if you enjoy it, share it and review it – you can also donate direct to me here if you’re feeling […]
Crashed America
AVAILABLE HERE ON AMAZON! To mark the slow collapse of Western civilisation into the orange hued abyss of yuuuge egotism and the possibility nuclear war with the nefarious Chinese, I’ve put my novel Crashed America up for a free giveaway from the 2nd to the 6th of February. After all, there are […]
ET and Waco did mount up the sled shaking off cold and giving out dread in neon red camo they went out to ride with drinks in their hands and guns at their sides ‘Farewell’ cried the kiddies, their Ma and the rest ‘don’t come back deaded, our pride and […]
Pete shed a lonely tear, not bothering to wipe it away. The last of them was gone, dead and burned up with a mixed fanfare of denunciations and praise. All those years devoted to the cause and what was left? Nothing. Just worn out memories and a long list of […]
“TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” Earl hadn’t expected the alarm call, but then he hadn’t expected to wake up in the gutter of Hetsaw’s historic Main Street either. Life was full of surprises. “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” Peeling his face off of the road Earl dragged his body round to sit on the […]
I’m crap at marketing so Crashed America – my first, biggest and baddest book seldom gets the love it deserves. Especially now that we’re hurtling towards the point where ‘Crashed America’ may become a meaningless title once the entire country sinks into the sea under the weight of Donald Trump’s mighty, […]
3/3/2015 – Sorry if you missed out but the offer has now expired. You can however buy Crashed America here. And by ‘can’ I mean ‘absolutely should’… As we’re edging ever closer to the one year anniversary of my first Indie release (Laikanist Times) I figured now would be a good time […]
Never let it be said that I don’t try to broaden peoples horizons and open new cultural vistas… KAMP Livestock Cattlerap Sessions 2014 – Rhett Parks from studiokamp on Vimeo. And if that doesn’t make you want some Crashed America then you’re a soul less scumbag.
… oh wait, it’s already arrived. Yes folks Crashed America has been up and available for nigh on 24 hours now and, as the sky hasn’t fallen and I haven’t thrown myself out of the window in despair I’d say it’s all going fairly well. Of course as I live […]
Crashed America is formally, finally and irrevocably available from a retailer near you as of today! Available as both an ebook and paperback you’re (almost) spoilt for choice when it comes to reading what critics are calling ‘a book, definitely a book‘. And at the low low price of $3.99/£3.08 (ebook) […]