We had all of five minutes to grieve when we heard. Just about the time it took between the knock at the door and the first journalists to start Googling her name and making their way over, just behind the cops. The first of them, a young guy from a […]
The eulogies were beautiful. Weeping and barely controlled mourners outlined a saintly life, the sort which only ever really existed post-mortem and whose loss devastated individuals and diminished all else. Tyrone struggled to look on passively. This day belonged to grief, to sorrow. The anger he felt had no place […]
‘You are blessed. You are blessed. You are blessed. You are blessed. They’ve given you love, all the love you’ll ever need. You are blessed.’ The woman had been crying and repeating herself for hours now. No one was staring at her any more, though a few dull eyes still […]
“I’m sorry” he sobbed, voice jerking as it worked it’s way out around the tears. It wasn’t true, at least he wasn’t sorry that it had happened, although he may have been sorry to have upset me, if I was being generous. Or sorry that I might be angry, to […]
Death is a threat a punishment poised to tell life its place ensuring reverence and fearful respect for fine finality Bigger than myth bigger than beauty primacy set in omnipresent absence and conversation silenced by no voice and tender children, like all of us, recoil at oblique punishments cowed into […]
Death had passed there before, elaborate in black ribbon and the sombre faced ritual of undertakers repeating a daily routine. The observers wept to see it. Tears framed by that moment, unlike the ones which had come before and those which followed after. Those were eroding tears, endlessly absorbed by […]
Between granite walls and windows a flash of life occurs negligent in meaning unwilling to be heard still, for all the failings, it was a solid bet because that meagre streak of living combated endless death Be sure to check out my new book No Cure for Shell Shock.