The fundraising designs I had up for Brixton Soup Kitchen are now, officially, down. Overall a couple of hundred quid was raised for a very good cause and, all things considered, I think it went pretty well for a first attempt at something like this. Certainly it went well enough […]
Just a quick heads up to say that I’ve got a new short story out, it’s available here on Amazon as an ebook for the low, low price of 99p. It’s a one shot read with a Sci-Fi feel focused on the concepts surrounding immortality, suicide and human nature. […]
And this site is still defunct, but I’m not. In case anyone stops by and missed the message last time I’m somewhat out of the music reviewing game but (pretty much) all my stuff is archived at plus I’m doing my own writer thing over at where I’ve got a […]
Every story has a soundtrack, or should have. The best music is the stuff which is closest to writing, the tracks which set a scene, tell a story or transport you to another place. Not just by offering an emotional bump but by sending you out on the other side […]
Courtesy of Dave ‘The Artist’ Vigor here are the front and back covers for the upcoming Crashed America, due for a – er- ‘soft’ release on the 13th of January (Monday!). In a triumph of poor planning, disorganisation and good, old fashioned, fuck-up-covering ‘artistic temprament’ I’m still making the final […]
Never have found Russell Brand particularly interesting or funny but then I don’t recall ever watching or reading anything he’s done, so largely a non entity from my point of view. Watched the bulk of the Paxman interview though and fair play to him, his objections and broad goals are […]
Well, I figure a good first post on my new site would be one which answers a question which I’ve barely even asked myself so far, why Indie publishing? Now over the months to come there’s going to be more and more said about my novel (well, by me at […]
In what I intend to make my very last online move I’ve shifted my nefarious activities over to a new site – As well as hosting all the archives of my free music writing and reviews it’ll be the new dumping ground for any musical discoveries I manage to […]
At what point does the focus of humanity shift from the vast, sprawling expanse of reality over to the screen sized abyss of the digital? The Internet of Things is the concept of connecting anything and everything to the internet for the purpose of feeling like we’re living in The […]