A bit late on this but RIP to Chas Hodges of Chas and Dave. Much derided but they did put out some genuine classics. And Snooker Loopy, which in my humble opinion is actually pretty good. Anyway, hope there’s a beer on the sideboard in the beyond…
Human Errors by Many Elephants Just quick musical heads-up for Human Errors by Many Elephants. It’s a bit of an odd one in that it’s not exactly an album, more an OST for an imagined TV show. The tracks are short and unpronounced with nothing you’d point to and say […]
As you might have noticed the Song of the Day has become my place holder on days where I’ve no real writing to put up, which is most of them at the moment as I’m basically stuck between semi-finished projects (like a radio play) which need to go in their […]
Just a little something I made years and years ago. Recently disappeared from the internet as the site it was on culled their archives, so here it is again on Band Camp. It was a labour of love, although possibly not much talent but I’m still happy to have it […]
Every now and then a song comes up on shuffle to remind me that, once upon a time, I tried my hand at making some music. An entirely amateur attempt it basically boiled down to being obsessed with fiddling on a computer for a month or so. Although in a […]
Over the years I’ve run a fair few sites, mostly about free and Creative Commons licensed music but I’ve never been too fussy about straying from the theme. At various points a fair bit of work has gone into finding and reviewing good, independently released music from some very talented […]
Every story has a soundtrack, or should have. The best music is the stuff which is closest to writing, the tracks which set a scene, tell a story or transport you to another place. Not just by offering an emotional bump but by sending you out on the other side […]
Mr Loop – Things from the Other Place Ever since I first heard Music From the Tannhauser Gate I’ve been something of a Mr Loop fan boy. As a producer he’s very good, with a knack for picking out the right sample and the right […]
It’s probably an act of perfect timing on my part, observing the slow and arduous decay of the print medias, the proliferation of digital downloading (legal and otherwise), the advent of Spotify and Last.fm; and then deciding that my new favourite past-time would be reviewing some of the most readily […]