A bit of beauty in these harsh times. Highly recommend everything Julia Kotowski (EftBD) has ever done, all beautiful, all worth hearing. All free too, so even better.
Free Music
Over the years I’ve run a fair few sites, mostly about free and Creative Commons licensed music but I’ve never been too fussy about straying from the theme. At various points a fair bit of work has gone into finding and reviewing good, independently released music from some very talented […]
It’s been a while since I reviewed ‘The Crow’ which featured the collective efforts of the Kojak Brothers (Humble Pious being amongst them) and despite my less than glowing opinions at the time I still find myself sticking it on from time to time because, doubts aside, there was some […]
[bandcamp album=386983655 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande3] It’s a Doc Syntax mixtape, how much more needs saying? (Click image for more)
There are plenty of good producers floating around out there, throw a metaphorical brick around these parts and you’re almost guaranteed to hear it bouncing catchily off of an instrumental album which at the very least is decent. Mr Loop, however, is amongst the best and not just because his […]
Futura, from the Phonographique netlabel, is a short album of immaculately polished Hip Hop/Trip Hop beats which benefit from a surplus of well honed cool and which fall down in missing a trick by being just that bit too smooth.
[bandcamp album=1199402859 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande3] Not my usual cup of tea but a nice enough dose of Electro Indie nonetheless.
In fact Klezmer + pretty much anything = success but that’s just stating the obvious. Anyway, an old track from an old Budabeats (home of Suhov and others) release for you today. Technically not a massive innovation but if you can listen to this and not find yourself starting to […]
As the first release from the newly created Don’t Flop Records, a new appendage from the ever busy Battle League of the same name, it’s easy to have some high expectations for Just Assume, I’m Everywhere and a bit of optimism before the first listen won’t be disappointed.
(Purple Bird Music : 2010) It’s the usual Hip Hop idea that death is good for business, in fact as Goldie Lookin’ Chain once devoted a song to- whatever genre you’re in an unfortunate demise is likely to make your career. Amidst the cynical profiteering the mainstream so gleefully indulges […]