SUN by entertainment for the braindead I love Entertainment for the Braindead (aka Julia Kotowski). Years back I discovered one of her early albums, put out by Aaahh Records on Jamendo and her work has, over the years, consistently featured in my musical rotation. My favourites have shifted, over time, […]
A bit of beauty in these harsh times. Highly recommend everything Julia Kotowski (EftBD) has ever done, all beautiful, all worth hearing. All free too, so even better.
The Wind Whistles – Window Sills (Aaahh Records) Even more Folk today with Aaah Records prolific tourers ‘The Wind Whistles’, stable mates of the indifferent Keyboard Rebels and the really rather good Entertainment for the Braindead this Canadian duo fit somewhere in the middle of the bunch. Window Sills is overall […]
William Elmore – I fell in love… and all I got was this lousy broken heart EP (Jamendo) As I was downloading this I was feeling rather hopeful, the list of influences on Elmore’s MySpace left me with dreams of a Donovan-esque psychadelic Folk adventure which seemed like the perfect soundtrack […]
Entertainment for the Braindead – Hydrophobia (Aaahh Records) It’s unnerving when music makes you feel slightly nervous. Especially when the music is, in theory, about as unnerving as a sack full of kittens on a temperate Spring morning in a meadow full of blooming flowers. And it’s even more bizarre when, […]
Entertainment for the Braindead – Seven + 1 (Aaahh Records) One of the first reviews I did was of EftB’s second album ‘Hydrophobia’ which I liberally gushed over like a teenage girl meeting Ronan Keating (or whoever the kids dig these days), an enthusiasm which hasn’t been dulled by time given […]
The Wind Whistles – Animals Are People Too (Aaahh Records) Another release here from those prolific purveyors of Indie Folk, Aaahh Records who, as well as being home to the habitually excellent Julia Kotowski (also known as Entertainment for the Braindead) play host to Canadian strummers ‘The Wind Whistles’. Who, for […]
The Art Punk Band – Zeno And The Happy Cats (Jamendo) A very definite example of an aquired taste today in the form of a short album release from American trio The Art Punk Band, who appear to have thrown themselves back in time a few decades to an era when […]
Some musical ideas always seem better on paper than they do when manifested for the listener. The same can be said of all art I suppose, or at least all art where the process is internal to one creator; the force of that seed of inspiration means that it takes […]
Acoustic female singer/song writer emerging from the Aaahh Records stable, I assume I’m not the only one to immediately connect anyone who fits that description with Entertainment for the Braindead; an expectation which works as a bit of a double edged sword for Emilie Lund who’s just put out her […]