I remember hearing Loki a couple of years back when I was first digging into the Scottish Hip Hop scene. I liked him the and I like him now, so it’s good to see that his upcoming album already seems to be getting a lot of much deserved love. There’s […]
Hip Hop
I must have been off daydreaming about space dogs or something but apparently I missed a whole new Hieroglyphics album last year. I’m catching up now though and not only was there an album but there are two new tracks coming out featuring the entire crew, which The Kitchen apparently didn’t. And […]
[bandcamp album=1850183307 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande3] Well it’s UK Hip Hop old timer Syntax and Tom Caruana – variable but undoubtedly talented producer, with a new album which samples Edgar Wright’s work (Spaced, Shaun of the Dead et al) and is loosely related to his work. Although in practice that just […]
I don’t dislike Dizraeli, although starting a review with that may seem like a certain precursor for slating something.
It’s been a while since I reviewed ‘The Crow’ which featured the collective efforts of the Kojak Brothers (Humble Pious being amongst them) and despite my less than glowing opinions at the time I still find myself sticking it on from time to time because, doubts aside, there was some […]
[bandcamp album=386983655 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande3] It’s a Doc Syntax mixtape, how much more needs saying? (Click image for more)
There are plenty of good producers floating around out there, throw a metaphorical brick around these parts and you’re almost guaranteed to hear it bouncing catchily off of an instrumental album which at the very least is decent. Mr Loop, however, is amongst the best and not just because his […]
Futura, from the Phonographique netlabel, is a short album of immaculately polished Hip Hop/Trip Hop beats which benefit from a surplus of well honed cool and which fall down in missing a trick by being just that bit too smooth.
It takes a fair bit of distance between listening and writing to say anything at all about this début solo LP from the veteran Mistah Bohze. Up close it’s a gloriously chaotic array of beats, samples and lyricism, which for intelligently designed eclecticism can properly be said to be comparable […]
Undoubtedly my most eagerly awaited album of 2012, now that I half believe it actually will come out in 2012, and follow up to one of the best Alt-Hip Hop albums of all time ‘Deltron Event II’ has finally been confirmed for a July 21st release. Or May, according to […]