Human Errors by Many Elephants Just quick musical heads-up for Human Errors by Many Elephants. It’s a bit of an odd one in that it’s not exactly an album, more an OST for an imagined TV show. The tracks are short and unpronounced with nothing you’d point to and say […]
Dry Land by Baydog Been a while since I’ve done any sonic squirrelling but as I’m laid up with a cold today I took a random nose dive into the ‘newest’ section of Bandcamp. It’s always a joy once you spend the time to do it and there’s inevitably […]
Just a little something I made years and years ago. Recently disappeared from the internet as the site it was on culled their archives, so here it is again on Band Camp. It was a labour of love, although possibly not much talent but I’m still happy to have it […]
[bandcamp album=2872814051 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande3] Normally I limit myself to frowning disapprovingly at glitchy Electronica for having too many disjointed, discordant beats for my more refined tastes. Add to that the penchant for self indulgent meanderings from the producers who throw themselves into it with more than a handful […]
Professor Kliq – The Scientific Method, Volume II Experiments in Sound Perspective (Jamendo) When an album has a title like that I can’t help but naturally assume that it’s going to sound terrible. Words like ‘experimental’ and ‘abstract’ all too often equate in muso language to someone getting carried away with […] Download this | Create my own widget This album on Royalty Free Music – Stock Music Library | Jamendo PRO Now making music is far from my forte but like all good obsessives I had a crack at it and the Hostile Takeover EP was the final product […]