Dry Land by Baydog Been a while since I’ve done any sonic squirrelling but as I’m laid up with a cold today I took a random nose dive into the ‘newest’ section of Bandcamp. It’s always a joy once you spend the time to do it and there’s inevitably […]
Be fucked and wander on mate your future isn’t near your past is grey and dying for your present no one cares They said that you’re important the focus of the world but the image that they’re selling isn’t anyone’s but theirs So be fucked and wander on mate though […]
Politics, at the moment, is defined by division. In the US Trump and Clinton are coming to represent to antagonistic portions of a polarised society, with Sanders as a theoretically retired figurehead for a third faction which is in opposition to the other two, even if some of them have […]
Byron burgers gets dozens of its own employees deported. On the 4th of July, workers across 15 Byron restaurants were called in for a training at 9.30. 5 minutes after start, 2 immigration enforcement officers for the Home Office arrived, carrying lists of names and photos. They started calling people […]
It’s a dramatic experience supporting Jeremy Corbyn. One day you’re a Stalinist thug, the next a near-fascist misogynist, the next a naive idealist, then you’re backing an ineffectual old man, or a sinister dictator, or a street fighting gangster – every day is a lucky dip of contradictory images. Sure, […]
Politics isn’t the realm of the people. Never has been. Put three people in a room and give them even the vaguest sniff of power and within seconds they’ll have completely forgotten why the have it, who gave it to them and what it’s for. They’ll start to find ways […]
During the process of digging through and re-posting all the reviews I did have backed up from Beat Lizard I’ve become acutely aware of the big gapping holes left by the ones I’ve lost. An unknown number of reviews, articles and features are unhappily now lost to the dark forests of […]