Be fucked and wander on mate your future isn’t near your past is grey and dying for your present no one cares They said that you’re important the focus of the world but the image that they’re selling isn’t anyone’s but theirs So be fucked and wander on mate though […]
Sergei shook his head, trying to rattle out the incessant thud of the Techno soundtrack that was, for no good reason, blasting out to shake the foundations of the warehouse. It didn’t work. The building was full to capacity now, the stands erected around the walls heaving with stern faced […]
I made it in. Trust me, it wasn’t easy. Hell, the amount of times they almost stopped me, it’s a miracle I lasted this long. What with the stress and all I can’t even remember why I was so desperate to be here but I attached myself to this, this thing […]
It’s the end of days or so they say in corridors of power The Devil he rode in to town shot the Sheriff, ran him down he came in with a soulless swagger full of spite and sinner’s glamour a punishment sent from below surrounded by a strange dark glow […]
Politics, at the moment, is defined by division. In the US Trump and Clinton are coming to represent to antagonistic portions of a polarised society, with Sanders as a theoretically retired figurehead for a third faction which is in opposition to the other two, even if some of them have […]
Donald Trump says build a wall some frenzied fans say ‘Kill them all!’ it doesn’t matter on the creed the words the place the thoughts or deeds as long as there’s a shouting fight, a big ass brawl then it’s alright Old Hillary’s got another stance grab the money do […]