I’d been dead for five years by the time I decided to stick my head back above the edge of the shallow grave that was Boise, Idaho. Why I did it, I don’t know. Being dead had been good to me, far better than life ever had. My postmortem existence […]
4 posts
“We can’t stop here, this is Cat country!” It wasn’t the ideal line to hear from a bus driver, especially as he overshot my stop and picked up speed on an increasingly mad dash through Catford. I tightened my grip on the seat in ahead of me, getting a wary […]
It’s the end of days or so they say in corridors of power The Devil he rode in to town shot the Sheriff, ran him down he came in with a soulless swagger full of spite and sinner’s glamour a punishment sent from below surrounded by a strange dark glow […]
In beauty I saw them in beauty they lived and just for a second they had all I could give But the real sorry truth of the human endevour is that nothing like beauty can last forever