Now making music is far from my forte but like all good obsessives I had a crack at it and the Hostile Takeover EP was the final product of my addiction. A kindly soul and fellow reviewer (at Recent Music Heroes) was generous, or mistaken, enough to say of it:
“Hostile Takeover kicks off proceeding with Kraftwerk-esque cadences to come over into some hip-hop overthrows (A Message From Our Sponsors (The Dogstar Corporation). No doubt, YouSir loves coming down into a kind of DIY-near fun, shuffling around rigid sonic matter, burbling synths, crisscrossed electronics and angular rhythm stuff. “
Which is a fairly glowing endorsement for my own novice efforts. Anyway, one day I’ll no doubt turn my attentions make to sonic meddling but for now here stands the testament to my own little discography.