[bandcamp album=525950716 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande3]
I’d forgotten about Stanley Odd, found a couple of his tracks months back and thought to myself ‘that’s really good’ and then never listened to them again, until today. It’s a couple of months old but his latest release is The Day I Went Deaf, an EP which has once again made me go ‘that’s really good’, this time with more commitment I reckon.
Intelligent, cleverly written Hip Hop which is incidentally from Scotland, which doesn’t really mean much although there’s a definite cynical edge which flows across these isles and makes something of a mockery of a lot of self-important efforts from them folks across the Atlantic. And on a bit of a shallow trip there is something about the accent which can flow really well. All that’s lacking now is a day trip to London for some live action.