It’s been just about a month now since I went in for surgery and, for the most part, all is well. It has however been an exhausting process and one pretty riddled with shitty luck and some disappointments. First things first though, my kidney donation was a success. Last I […]
Journalism at the moment seems to be, in some quarters, at the height of its nihilistic pessimism. Social Media, routinely derided as a den of fake news, propaganda and echo chamber self-confirmation, is still undermining the traditional institutions of the news media. Local news, in print and other forms, continues […]
To be honest it generally feels a little futile to write about guns in the US. Every now and then I try to write articles or prose that in some way connects to tragic events in the world. I think it’s important to do so. All art should, in part […]
In the small wee hours of tomorrow morning I’ll be boarding a plane to Marrakech, off and away for a few weeks of badly planned, poorly funded wandering around North Africa. And the second I realise that I’m actually going I’m almost certainly going to be looking forward to it. A big part […]
After much confusion, frustration and numerous attacks on technology I’ve finally got this site migrated to a new host. is still the address to remember but if you had any pages from the old site bookmarked now would be the time to update them because they will nae work […]
Bit of a revision of my release schedule as vaguely hinted at here but I’m nonetheless glad to say that very soon I’ll be releasing a new (long) short story. It’s a little something I’ve been sitting on for a while and the original plan was to drip feed it […]